Game Rules

King of the Degens is similar to the King of the Hill childrens game but with crypto-economics.

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What changed in Season 2?

New Game Mechanics

  1. After a new King is crowned, the game will make it easier for them to stay king for the next 3 hours. They can still be dethroned but the odds are harder, but increase block by block. From 1% chance of getting King to 5% after 3hrs.
  2. Introducing Actions - After Storming, each role can now take an Action:
    1. King setPointStrategy - Declare whether you’re the People’s King, a Military King, or Greedy King
      1. Greedy 😈 - [K43, L22, Kn15, T10, P10, J0]
      2. Military ⚔️ - [K30, L22, Kn24, T14, P6, J4]
      3. People’s 🙌 - [K22, L20, Kn24, T22, P6, J6]
      4. Dead ☠️ - [K0, L22, Kn48, T22, P8, J0]
    2. Lord setStormFee - Toggle the StormFee between .001 and .002 ETH
    3. Knight attackKing - Attack the King and slay the King after 10 attacks
    4. Townsfolk voteOnPrincess - Vote who gets tomorrow’s princess role
  3. The Jester 🃏 has joined the royal court! The King can appoint any Farcaster user as Jester, which can’t be gained via storming. The Jester earns points like other royal court members unless the King is Greedy…
  4. The princess 👸 has joined the royal court! The townsfolk can now vote on who should be princess and the winner joins the royal court for 24hrs without having to storm! A great way to climb up the leaderboard!

When does the game end?

Season 2 ends on June 1st. At that time, the Treasury will be distributed to all points holders in proportion to their points. Players will have 30 days after the game ends to redeem.

Season 1 ended on May 1st, 2024.

Does 1 point = 1 $DEGEN?